Monday, February 2, 2009

Hey Woodchuck Chuckers...

It's Groundhog Day! (yes, I do like that movie)

The groundhog saw it's shadow this morning so I guess that means 6 more weeks of winter. Oh joy. Winter around here has been pretty nasty of late - lots of snow, then lots of wind which means lots of drifting. It makes driving just that more much fun.

I finally got a new digital camera and have finally found the time to take some photos of my knitting. Here is a really cool project. I decided that I needed a felted bag to hold my spinning wheel accessories in - instead of the nasty cardboard box that has been gracing my living room the past 6 months. This will hold the extra bobbins, the spare flywheel, and bits and pieces along those lines.

Here is the before photo - with Lucie used for a size comparasion. Now, Lucie is a lab/beagle/wingnut mix and about 45 lbs or so.

This bag is HUGE!! I used Brown Sheep's Lamb's Pride worsted yarn on 10.5 needles. I could fit Lucie into this bag. Every time I held it up it just made me laugh.

Oh, please ignore the background of the photo - I've been sick and haven't been keeping up with the cleaning and suchlike the past few weeks. Those of you that know me - the above sentance will make you laugh as I really don't clean that much when I am healthly. Life is too short - I'd much rather knit.
Anywho, I finally felted the bag on Sunday. I used the wonderful method of throwing the thing in my washing machine and felted it that way -much quicker and easier than doing it by hand. here is the final size:

Two different views - one with Lucie laying on the bag and one beside. She is chewing on her bone so she really could have cared less about what I was doing. Can you believe how much it shrunk down? Amazing!! Ron was really impressed by the felting process when he saw the "after" bag. It is really pretty too.
My current project is the Central Park Hoodie - a beautiful sweater with cables. I have finished the back and sides and started on the sleeves yesterday during the Super Bowl. I had to set it down during the last 5 minutes of the game tho. Boy, those Steelers really know how to make their fans sweat. But at least they finally won - whew!

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